Tuesday, February 22, 2005

First Foto Duel

Ok, I have joined a board pixelex.com. It's a really lovely board indeedly. People are nice and cool there and help you out with which ever art you are into. Ok, they have a forum Battle Zone. Where you duel another person for writing, photography etc. I have entered a three person duel. You can view the duel thread here Duel Thread

I have already entered my first picture of the duel.
The requirements are easy enough. Black and white foto's of things around the house 500 x 500 pixel.

So here is mine

Number One

Monday, February 07, 2005

Meeting Arther Elgort

A wonderful friday evening in nyc .. eating out, then crossing 6th ave to Barnes and Nobles to see a surprise there, Meet The Writers, where the writer of a book comes and talk about it as well as their related field. This guest was Arthur Elgort presenting his book Camera Crazy. http://www.arthurelgort.com/flash.swf

A book based on a box of photos he had saved over the years, pictures of random people with cameras. he mentions what kind of camera was used in each shot. Questions where asked, like what were his favourite models and so on. He likes models who dance, lay down, walk, and smile most of all. His advice to young photographers was "Learn the craftwork", which I was very happy to hear. I did indeed buy the book and had mine signed

It was a great surprise to meet a photographer who took the time to talk to us. He is a funny man who knows his cameras and knows how to enjoy the wonderful world of photography after all these years in the business.
Another happy thing is .. Steve Horn was there, who i did not meet ( he left before I knew he was there). He was an assistant to Berenice Abbott who is my inspiration. Mister Elgot told me that he still has many of her negatives. I was in great awe and wished I had met him.

Onto other news, I'm really thinking about getting a Rolleiflex camera, I want to learn the larger formates. Any suggestions and tips, please let me know.