Friday, June 09, 2006

a go go

a go go
Originally uploaded by katie gail.
a go go
St. Marks - NYC

Minolta Maxxum 70
28-100mm lens
Holya Red 25A filter
cropped in ps 7
self developed

Uploaded by katie gail on 25 May '06, 8.34pm EDT.

I was following this dude, ok almost stalking him .. waiting for a good profile stand.

Here is some news, I figure I should start actualling typing up actual photography stuff from me!

I have found a partner, Keith Franke and is a willing soul to partake in my photography ideas. He really digs the ideas. But the only problem is he's a bit not close. He really wants to visit and go to boston or nyc to hang out and take tons of photography. I'm pretty excited go out and spend the day walking everywhere and take photos. I don't want to stop in shops or look at stuff really. But just focus on people, creating a scene in my head.


Anonymous said...

nice pictures

Anonymous said...

Classic Starbucks in the hand! Great photo Katie :)